Most of Domatic automatic draught excluders have been tested at various accredited European laboratories to evaluate their sound insulation performance, durability, applicability on doors with smoke/fire resistance characteristics.
The acoustic behavior of the door gap closing system contributes significantly to obtaining good sound insulation of the door as a whole. The international standard ISO 140 standardizes the methods and references for measuring the sound attenuation parameter, Rw , expressed in dB, specifying the sound insulation value of a certain door where the automatic draught excluder is installed. The measurement results are generally expressed by diagrams.
Test conditions:
a. automatic draught excluder fully lowered,
b. door sill gap of defined height, completely sealed with fillers,
c. door sill of defined height, automatic draught excluder fully raised,
d. reference curve for the calculation of the weighted attenuation, Rw .
The Italian institute ITC-CNR has carried the tests on various product ranges; the main data are summarized below:

At the German State MPA Materials Testing Institute in Dortmund, Germany, we have carried out tests, on complete doors, of IGLOO series products, in accordance with the German DIN 18095 standard for doors with smoke-resistant properties. This certification guarantees that IGLOO products are able to achieve an excellent hermetic seal of the door gap, which is important for any application and is also necessary for doors for smoke-resistance applications . The evaluation and the corresponding classification for doors with smoke-resistant properties are related to the door as a whole and not to the individual components.
At the German State Materials Testing Institute MPA in Dortmund, Germany, we have carried out tests, on complete doors, of IGLOO series products, according to the German standard DIN 4102-05, relating to the fire behavior of building components and materials. The tests have demonstrated the effectiveness of IGLOO products in contributing to the fire resistance of fire doors.
At the Italian laboratory LAPI, we have carried out fire resistance tests, on complete doors, of Igloo and Compact Fire products; the tests were carried out in accordance with the European standards EN 1363-1 and EN 1634-1: they showed how the IGLOO and COMPACT FIRE products are still intact after 90 minutes of exposure to fire. The aforementioned tests therefore guarantee that the IGLOO and COMPACT FIRE products are able to create an excellent hermetic seal of the gap under the door, important for any application, as well as necessary for doors for fire-resistance applications. The evaluation and relative classification for doors with fire-resistance characteristics are related to the door as a whole and not to the individual components.
At the German institute MPA – Germany – we carried out durability tests with IGLOO products according to the German standard DIN 4102-18; this requires a durability test, in standardized assembly conditions, equal to 200,000 door opening and closing cycles, at the end of which the product being tested must not present any breakages or wear that could compromise its subsequent good functioning. The French laboratory CETIM has also carried out durability tests on products of COMPACT, COMPACT EXT, COMPACT PLUS and COMPACT FIRE ranges. The tests were carried out on a specially designed test bench, with measurements of the force required to press the button that allows the mobile profile to be lowered onto the floor and of its movements. The results confirm that Domatic draught excluders – even after 200,000 cycles – continue to guarantee the hermetic closure of the gap under the door and do not show any particular signs of wear.